Delegation from the DO’s Office and Ministry of Civic Education Visit SAJOCCOL and JOMENPS

In a combined visit to St. Joseph Comprehensive Secondary College (SAJOCCOL) and Joseph and Mary English Nursery and Primary School (JOMENPS), a delegation from the Divisional Officer’s (DO) office and the Ministry of Civic Education arrived to assess the effectiveness of the schools’ reopening. This important visit aimed to ensure that both institutions were adhering to government regulations and were fully prepared to provide quality education to their students.

Purpose of the Visit

The delegation’s visit was primarily focused on evaluating the health and safety measures put in place by both SAJOCCOL and JOMENPS to ensure a smooth and safe resumption of activities.

Tour of the Schools

The delegation was led through the classrooms, playground, and other facilities of the various institutions. The delegation was impressed by the arrangements made to ensure student safety, including the organization of dormitories, laboratories, etc. Both schools demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the health and well-being of their students, which was highly appreciated by the visiting officials.

Commitment to Educational Excellence

Both SAJOCCOL and JOMENPS reaffirmed their dedication to providing top-notch education in a safe environment. The visit underscored their commitment to academic excellence. The delegation urged the schools to continue their efforts in keeping parents, staff, and students informed and engaged in maintaining a healthy school environment.


The visit was a success. It not only validated the schools’ reopening plans but also reinforced the schools’ commitment to providing high-quality education while prioritizing the health and safety of their students. With the delegation’s approval and support, both institutions are well-prepared to face the academic year confidently.

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