Student Life

We believe that a well-rounded education extends beyond the classroom. The boarding life is designed to foster personal growth, community engagement, and the development of lifelong skills. Here, students have numerous opportunities to explore their interests, develop their talents, and build meaningful relationships.


Wake-Up Time:

Students start their day very early. This ensures they have enough time to prepare for the day’s activities and cultivate a disciplined routine.

Classes begin at 7:00 AM to 9am after which they go for breakfast . The morning session includes a one or two subjects, with interactive lessons and activities designed to engage and challenge students.

Breakfast is served from 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM in the refectory, after which they go back to class.

Classes continue to 2pm

Lunch is served from 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM. Students enjoy a balanced meal, followed by a short break to relax and socialize with their peers.

From 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM, students have a siesta period. This time is for rest, helping students recharge for the afternoon activities.

Afternoon Classes/Preps:
Afternoon classes or preps run from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM. This period is used for additional lessons, practical sessions in labs, or supervised study time, depending on the class.

Supper is served from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM in the dining hall. Students enjoy a hearty meal to end the day.

Evening Preps:
Evening preps take place from 6:45 PM to 9:00 PM. This time is dedicated to homework, study, and revision, ensuring students stay on top of their academic responsibilities.

Lights Out:
At 9:30 PM, it’s lights out. Students are encouraged to get a good night’s sleep to be ready for the next day’s activities.



  • Movie Night
  • Inter class Competition. (Handball and Football)
  • Feast Day
  • Mr and Miss Bilingualism Competition
  • Mr and Miss SAJOCCOL
  • Cultural Evening

The students handle the organization of;

  • Inter club activities.
  • Organizers of Mr. and Miss SAJOCCOL,

They are also the authors (writers) of our famous School Magazine.

Student Government

Students can take on leadership roles within the school, representing their peers and organizing school events.

Community Service

We believe in giving back to the community. Our students participate in various service projects, helping those in need and making a positive impact.


As a school with strong values, we support the spiritual growth of our students. Regular religious services, moral education classes, and opportunities for spiritual reflection are available to help students develop a strong ethical foundation and a sense of purpose.


Environmental Club

The Environmental Club is dedicated to promoting environmental awareness and sustainability. Students engage in activities such as tree planting, recycling projects, and educational campaigns to encourage eco-friendly practices within the school and the local community.

The Commonwealth Club

The Commonwealth Club focuses on fostering an understanding of the Commonwealth of Nations. Students participate in discussions, debates, and events that highlight the cultural, political, and economic ties between Commonwealth countries, promoting global citizenship and cooperation.

Science Club / Health

The Science Club is a hub for budding scientists and health enthusiasts. Members conduct experiments, explore scientific concepts, and participate in health awareness campaigns. The club also invites guest speakers and organizes field trips to enhance students' knowledge and interest in science and health-related fields.

Journalism Club

The Journalism Club nurtures aspiring writers, reporters, and editors. Students learn the fundamentals of journalism, including news writing, interviewing, and editing. The club produces the school newsletter and covers school events, giving members hands-on experience in the field of journalism.

Arts and Craft Club

The Arts and Craft Club is a creative haven for students interested in visual arts. Members explore various art forms, including painting, drawing, sculpture, and crafting. The club regularly holds exhibitions and workshops, allowing students to showcase their talents and learn new techniques.

Inter-Tribe Dance Competition

The Inter-Tribe Dance Competition celebrates the rich cultural diversity within the school. Students from different tribal backgrounds come together to showcase their traditional dances, fostering a sense of unity and appreciation for cultural heritage. This vibrant event is a highlight of the school year, promoting cultural exchange and camaraderie.